Judy Hoarfrost
Judy was a member of the US National Team for a decade and represented the USA in numerous World Championships and international competitions. She was a member of the “Ping Pong Diplomacy” Team that made history in 1971 when they toured China and met Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. She was many-times a US Junior Champion, 2-time US Senior Champion, a 3-medal winner of the Pan Am Games, and 2-time Oregon Champion for both Men & Women.
Judy has spent a lifetime promoting the sport of table tennis, and has conducted hundreds of table tennis exhibitions and clinics. Judy was inducted into the US Table Tennis Hall of Fame, as well as the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame. She is the owner of Paddle Palace Table Tennis Company.

Ryan Hoarfrost
Ryan is one of the top players in Oregon. An active 2200-level tournament player, he competes in regional and national tournaments, including the US Open and US Nationals.
Ryan has traveled to numerous World Championships and is inspired by the high-level international players he has met. As a full-time key Manager at Paddle Palace Table Tennis, Ryan is an equipment expert who continuously tests rubbers and blades.

Jiwei Xia
Head Coach
PPC’s full-time Head Coach, Xia Jiwei has outstanding success as both a competitor and as a coach in three countries: China, Japan, and USA. He is the highest rated player in the region, with a current USATT rating of 2650. Jiwei was a member of the Beijing Men’s Team before attending school in Japan where he won national titles, and was a trainer and coach for the Japanese National Women’s Team. He originally came to the US in 2011 as a trainer at the US National Team Training Camp, and has been a successful coach in the USA since then.
Although he is an outstanding player, Jiwei’s first passion is as a coach. He has an intrinsic understanding of the sport, employs effective modern coaching techniques, has special insights into the traits of each individual player, and has a special ability to communicate so each student has optimal results.

Dan Hoarfrost
CFO / Manager
Attorney in private practice for over 40 years. Aspiring and slowly improving table tennis player. Married to table tennis legend, Judy Hoarfrost since 1980 and proud father of Ryan Hoarfrost.
Now retired from the legal profession, Dan will be instrumental in implementing and managing programs, managing and growing our membership, and managing communications and operations at Paddle Palace Club.

Sean O'Neill
US Table Tennis Hall of Famer Sean O’Neill is one of the most decorated coaches and players in the US. We are thrilled to have him as one of our coaches. Sean also coaches some group classes, and works as Media and Communications Manager for Paddle Palace. Credentials:
• 2-time Olympian (1988, 1992)
• 5-time US Men’s Singles,
Doubles & Mixed Champion
• 3-time US Table Tennis Paralympic
Team Coach
• 4-time US Pan Am Team
• 6-time USATT Coach of the Year
Award Recipient
• US Table Tennis Hall of Fame Inductee

Christian Lillieroos
US Table Tennis Hall of Famer, Christian Lillieroos works at PPC as ITTF–PTT Course Conductor, 1-on-1 Coach, and as an organizer for many other Training Camps. Coach Christian has taught over 1000 coaches over the span of 45 ITTF level 1, 2 and 3 courses hosted in 23 different countries. Christian speaks over eight languages. Credentials:
• Certified ITTF Level 3* Coach
• Coached 7 World Champions
• Head Coach, Texas Wesleyan University (won 16 NCTTA Titles)
• USATT Coaching Development Director
• US Mens’ National Team Coach
• Head Coach, ’92 US Paralympic Games
• Head Coach, Mexico Men’s & Women’s National Team (4 years)
• In Sweden, Head Table Tennis Coach at an Elite College for 16–20 year-olds
• Worked with table tennis in 52 countries

Mat Weber
Mat has been playing table tennis for 6 years. He is currently training to make it onto the US Paralympic Team.
Mat finds joy in helping people with disabilities create a better quality of life for themselves through sport and exercise. He is a member of the USATT Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee. Mat competes in many local and national level tournaments, including the US Nationals and US Open.
We’re excited to have him on staff here at PPC!

Jay Crystal
Guest Coach
Jay played as a junior at the original Paddle Palace Table Tennis Club in the 1970’s. He was three time Oregon Singles Champion, two time runner up, and nine time Oregon Doubles Champion. He teamed up with Paddle Palace owner Judy Hoarfrost to win the 1979 National Collegiate Mixed Doubles Championship, and they also won the 1998 Nike World Masters Games Over 40 Mixed Doubles.
Jay was a top ranked Pacific NW table tennis player for 23 years before taking an 18 year break to raise his family of five kids. Jay takes care of members, helps run Corporate Events & Tournaments, assists coaches with classes, plus he provides private lessons.